Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
The Astonishing New Science of the Senses

ISBN10: 1250272416
ISBN13: 9781250272416
272 Pages
In 2016, scientists proved that humans could see light at the level of a single photon. We are living in historic times when humans may look at the very fabric of the universe in a laboratory setting. Around the world, other recent discoveries about the senses are just as astounding. It turns out we can hear amplitudes smaller than an atom, smell a trillion scents, have a set of taste buds that can discern molecules of fresh water, and can feel through the sense of touch the difference of a single molecule.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made takes readers through their own bodies, delving into the molecular and even the quantum, and tells the story of our magnificent sensorium and what it means for the next wave of human potential. From the laboratories to the ordinary homes where these breakthroughs are taking place, the book explores our current sensory Renaissance and shows readers how they, themselves, can heighten their own senses and experience the miraculous.
Praise for Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
“A must-read . . . As we move into the future, the insights in this book will be the basis of new technologies in the virtual realm but also give us a deeper knowledge of how each of us consciously and unconsciously construct our own reality.”—Deepak Chopra, MD
"Reveals the potential sensitivity holds for the future of our species.”—David van Eyssen, Producer, Director, Writer, Multimedia Artist, and Empath
“Seaberg shows us how powerful art can be as a way to regain our humanity."—Alysia Reiner, actor and producer, “Orange Is the New Black”
"Gives a deeper knowledge and understanding of how to make the quality of our lives better by expanding perceptual awareness methods."—Za Choeje Rinpoche, founder, Emaho Foundation, Tibetan Buddhist Center
"Seaberg's grand tour of the human sensorium expands the mind."—Ian Baker, Ph.D., historian, anthropologist, author and one of the National Geographic Society's explorers for the millennium
“For anyone who wants—or already has—actual superpowers, Seaberg’s work on PQ—the human perception quotient—is must-read.”—Nova Spivack, noted futurist and founder of the Lunar Library
"In addition to [Seaberg's] own captivating story . . . An intriguing story about the power of perception."—Kirkus Reviews
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Read an Excerpt
The smell of the earth after rain.
The electric hues of a fiery sunset.
The zest of cardamom in a cup of chai.
Frissons along your cheek from the brush of a hand.
The first few bars...