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Trade Books For Courses Tradebooks for Courses
  • DESK AND EXAMINATION COPIES: Please use this form to request desk and examination copies of books for your classes.
    One desk copy is available for every twenty copies ordered. Exam copies are limited to five exam copies per semester per instructor. All requests are subject to availability and approval. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Not valid for addresses outside the United States.
  • In CANADA: For all books on this website published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Hill and Wang; North Point Press; Faber and Faber; Graywolf Press; Henry Holt; Metropolitan; Times Books; Picador; St. Martin’s Press; St. Martin’s Griffin; and Tor/Forge:
    Desk and examination copy requests will be handled by Raincoast Book Distribution Limited. Raincoast is pleased to provide appropriate evaluation copies and desk copies to professors, teachers and instructors. For further information, please visit or
    For all books on this website published by Bloomsbury:
    Desk and exam copy requests will be handled by Penguin Group (Canada). For further information, please visit: or email
  • To request an adopted book in an electronic format for a student with a print disability, the student’s campus disability service office may contact us by e-mail at an electronic format is not available, we will provide a copy of the book to be scanned for the student. Please verify that the student has purchased a copy of the book.
  • If you are encountering technical issues submitting this form, please email your request directly to

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