The Eye of the World
Book One of The Wheel of Time

ISBN10: 1250768683
ISBN13: 9781250768681
Trade Paperback
784 Pages
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
When The Two Rivers is attacked by Trollocs—a savage tribe of half-men, half-beasts—five villagers flee that night into a world they barely imagined, with new dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light.
Praise for The Eye of the World
“Jordan has come to dominate the world Tolkien began to reveal.”—The New York Times
“The Wheel of Time [is] rapidly becoming the definitive American fantasy saga. It is a fantasy tale seldom equaled and still less often surpassed in English.”—Chicago Sun-Times
“Hard to put down for even a moment. A fittingly epic conclusion to a fantasy series that many consider one of the best of all time.”—San Francisco Book Review
“Jordan is able to take . . . familiar elements and make them his own, in a powerful novel of wide and complex scope. Open religious and political conflicts add a gritty realism, while the cities and courts provide plenty of drama and splendor. Women have a stronger role than in Tolkien . . . Each character in this large cast remains distinct . . . Their adventures are varied, and exciting . . . The Eye of the World stands alone as a fantasy epic.”—Locus
“[Jordan's] huge, ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre.”—George R. R. Martin, author of A Game of Thrones
“I don’t know anybody who’s been as formative in crafting me as a writer as [Robert Jordan], and for that I will be forever grateful.”—Tochi Onyebuchi, author of Riot Baby and War Girls
“Anyone who’s writing epic or secondary world fantasy knows Robert Jordan isn’t just a part of the landscape, he’s a monolith within the landscape.”—Patrick Rothfuss, author of the Kingkiller Chronicle series
“Robert Jordan's work has been a formative influence and an inspiration for a generation of fantasy writers.”—Brent Weeks, New York Times bestselling author of The Way of Shadows
“[Robert Jordan's] impact on the place of fantasy in the culture is colossal . . . He brought innumerable readers to fantasy. He became The New York Times bestseller list face of fantasy.”—Guy Gavriel Kay, author of A Brightness Long Ago
“Robert Jordan was a giant of fiction whose words helped a whole generation of fantasy writers, including myself, find our true voices. I thanked him then, but I didn’t thank him enough.”—Peter V. Brett, internationally bestselling author of The Demon Cycle series
“I owe Robert Jordan so much. Without him, modern fantasy would be bereft of the expansive, deep worlds and the giant casts which I love so dearly. It's not often I can look at another author and say: that person paved my way. But such is exactly the case with Jordan.”—Jenn Lyons, author of The Ruin of Kings
“Robert Jordan has created a fantasy world as tangible and credible as history. He has a fine eye for detail and a vivid sense of drama.”—Morgan Llewelyn
“Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World proves that there's still plenty of life in the ancient tradition of epic fantasy. Jordan has a powerful vision of good and evil—but what strikes me as most pleasurable about The Eye of the World is all the fascinating people moving through a rich and interesting world.”—Orson Scott Card
“The most ambitious American fantasy saga [may] also be the finest. Rich in detail and his plot is rich in incident. Impressive work, and highly recommended.”—Booklist
“This richly detailed fantasy presents fully realized, complex adventure. Recommended.”—Library Journal
“Recalls the work of Tolkien.”—Publishers Weekly
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An Empty Road
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called...
About the author
Robert Jordan
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