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Bloomsbury Publishing

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ISBN10: 1639732888
ISBN13: 9781639732883


272 Pages



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The newest book from V (formerly Eve Ensler), Reckoning invites you to travel the journey of a writer's and activist's life and process over forty years, representing both the core of ideas that have become global movements and the methods through which V survived abuse and self-hatred. Seamlessly moving from the internal to the external, the personal to the political, Reckoning is a moving and inspiring work of prose, poetry, dreams, letters, and essays drawn from V's lifelong journals that takes readers from Berlin to Oklahoma to the Congo, from climate disaster, homelessness, and activism to family.

Unflinching, intimate, introspective, courageous, Reckoning explores ways to create an unstoppable force for change, to love and survive love, to hold people and states accountable, to reckon with demons and honor the dead, to reclaim the body, and to see oneself as connected to a greater purpose. It reimagines what seems fixed and intractable, providing a path to understand one's unique experience as deeply rooted in the world, to break through one's own boundaries, and to write oneself into freedom.


Praise for Reckoning

“[Reckoning] exhorts readers to confront the worst and ugliest, pleads for progress and peace, and provokes admiration for its resilient, activist author. V shall overcome, someday.” “[Reckoning] exhorts readers to confront the worst and ugliest, pleads for progress and peace, and provokes admiration for its resilient, activist author. V shall overcome, someday.”—Alexandra Jacobs, The New York Times

“Reckons with the real grief and pain of what it means to be human.”People Magazine

“An electric call to heal our broken world.”—Naomi Klein

Reckoning is a journey from agonizingly personal to utterly cosmic. No reader will be left unshaken and uninspired.”—Jane Fonda

“For decades, Eve Ensler/V has dared to go where others avert their eyes and their better instincts. That fact, so recognizable in these pages, explains her impact on our era. Happily for the reader, Reckoning is part memoir, part manifesto, moving always toward this essential statement: 'Without justice there is no freedom, there is no integrity, there is no full life.'”—Carl Bernstein

“Every word, every phrase, every anecdote in this beautiful compilation of V's life's work illuminates. Reckoning sheds the searing light of truth on the on the indignities, falsities, injustices, and cruelties of our world and yet is also a note of love to suffering humanity, revealing and celebrating the fathomless courage and infinite compassion our kind is capable of. A book of true inspiration from beginning to end, emanating from a great spirit and a talent of extraordinary vision.” —Gabor Maté MD, author of The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture

“This is a sublime, grand, ferocious, brilliantly written book by one of our most passionate, and illumined, sacred activists. Someone who has dedicated her life to transforming abuse and horror into a clarion call for the renewal of the world. Everyone who is concerned about the future should read this book to be filled with joy, meaning, purpose, and a truth of being that cannot be shaken.” —Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope and Love is Everything

“Deeply felt, thoughtful, and lyrical, [Reckoning] offers a reflection on the connectedness of the personal and political and the need for all humanity to reckon fully with its past in pursuit of a more just world. An elegant and timely book.”Kirkus Reviews

“Riveting . . . V digs deep to find the words to constructively address sexual atrocities and everyday sexism . . . This far-reaching, deeply affecting collection will garner avid attention and ignite passionate discussion.”Booklist (starred review)

“Bracing . . . V's explosive truth-telling is as provocative as it is intense. The result is a raw and relevant oeuvre.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)